Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus)
Sometimes just simply called "Peacock", the Indian Peafowl is probably one of most well known and familiar birds in the world.

Scientific classification: Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Aves, Order Galliformes, Family: Phasianidae, Genus: Pavo, Species: Pavo cristatus
Other Names: Blue Peafowl, India Blue Peafowl, Common Peafowl
Range: Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka. Feral populations exist all over the world.
Subspecies: None, but a host of color mutations exist.
Habitat: Varied, forests, scrublands, cultivated lands, and near villiages.
Status in Wild: Common in most areas of the natural range
Aviculture: Perhaps one of the most well known birds in the world, peafowl are very common in captivity. Peafowl are hardy birds, often kept on free range where they will wander great distances. Large size is important for aviaries. Minimal shelter is required during the winter, but make sure there is adequate protection from the elements. When on free range, peafowl seek shelter high in the trees at night. Peafowl can be very loud and not recommended with close neighbors. Personally, I feel de-voicing is cruel and do not recommend it.
It could take almost 3 years for the peacocks to attain the full large, ornate tail. Peacocks uses his tail in a courtship display to impress females. The breeding season usually begins in early spring and once a peahen has selected a suitable mate, she will make a simple nest under shrubs or other plant cover and lay a clutch of 6 to 8 eggs. She alone incubates for about 28 days and like all Galliformes, the peachicks are precocial (covered with down and mobile) and are following the peahen around in a matter of hours.
Interesting Facts: The National Bird of India. This species is sometimes simply called the Peacock; the peacock is the male, females are known as peahens and the young are peachicks. Pavo is Latin for peafowl. cristatus is Latin for crested. Peafowl have been kept in captivity for many centuries and have been reported in ancient Egyptian, Roman and Greek history.
- Indian Peafowl - BirdLife International Factsheet
- Indian Peafowl - eBird
- Indian Peafowl - iNaturalist
- Raising Peafowl - Indiana State Poultry Association
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The beauty and genius of a work of art may be reconceived, though its first material expression be destroyed; a vanished harmony may yet again inspire the composer, but when the last individual of a race of living things breathes no more, another heaven and another earth must pass before such a one can be again. - William Beebe, 1906
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